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    Math and Special Education Blog

    Addition Fact Mastery!

    Luminous Learning teaching tip for math help with addition facts
    We want our young students to develop fluency with their addition facts so they can easily learn more exciting, complex math topics in later grades. However, our students often confuse math facts and still rely on inefficient counting strategies, such as using their fingers, even in the later grades. Students with learning disabilities are especially prone to slow retrieval and making errors in basic computation. Why is this? Find out here!

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    Goal Setting to Raise Achievement

    Luminous Learning Tuesday Teaching Tip setting smart goals
    Setting SMART Goals
    The new year signals a fresh start, a chance to reflect on the progress you made in the past year while making plans for growth in the year ahead. Similarly, this is a great time to encourage your students to reflect on their academic, social, and emotional achievements while choosing areas they can improve upon. As a teacher, I understood the importance of including my students in the goal setting process to give them ownership over their own learning. Goal setting activities can be general, where students choose any area they want to improve, or modified for a specific subject area, such as math or reading. One of my favorite types of goals are called SMART goals. 

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    Differentiating Assessments for Special Needs Students

    As a special education teacher, I spent a good deal of my time trying to make the mainstream curriculum accessible for my students. Oftentimes, with the right supports, they were able to grasp content on or near grade level. When it came time to assess their mastery of the curriculum, I built the same supports into my assessments. Special needs students may struggle with retention and recall, but given the opportunity and appropriate supports, they may shine with more complex assessment tasks. A carefully differentiated assessment will provide more meaningful data, indicating opportunities to challenge all students.

    Read more about how I differentiated math assessments, although the strategies I outline can apply to multiple subject areas. Check out the latest edition of ASCD Express: http://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol9/902-uscianowski.aspx


    Luminous Learning math workbooks for special education students with autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and math anxieties.


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